King David is one of my favorite people in the Bible. He understood that in times of distress, need, persecution, even failure (sin) that he was to run to, not run away from God, The Father. David was secure in his relationship with The Father. He understood who he was, God’s Beloved. More importantly, David understood the nature of God. He is for us, not against us! He will chasten or discipline whom He loves. The ultimate desire being for His children to grow in their relationship with Him! David had a Prophetic Revelation of The Lord, Jesus as well.
Many of the Psalms that he wrote “pointed to” the coming Messiah. The Lord Jesus, One Third of the Trinity, who left heaven and walked the road to Calvary, dying a gruesome death on the Cross, to pay our debt of sin, purchase our Freedom with His Blood and Reconcile us to the Father! Because of what The Lord accomplished through the Cross and His Resurrection, three days later, we now have unfettered access to The Father.
We are Sons and Daughters, and it delights our Heavenly Father when we seek Him, when we cry out to Him. See Hebrews 4:16: “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” He is waiting upon us to ask so that He can pour out His Blessings upon us. The Blessings of His Presence, Holy Spirit Baptism, Anointing, Revelatory Knowledge of His Word, Prophetic Word, a Word of Knowledge or Wisdom. A glimpse of His Past, Present and Future Glory!
All things pale and fade away in the Shadow of His Glory, His Majesty! All things are undone when we lay our hearts before Him and simply cry out, “Abba Father, we love You, we need You. We exalt Thee! There is none like You.” Beloved, are you in need? Has your heart waxed cold? Have you forgotten your first love? Perhaps, you are in need of physical or emotional healing. Perhaps, you are tired of a marginal or nominal Christian Walk. Whatever it is, run, don’t walk and come boldly before the Throne of Grace. Abba Father is waiting for you, His Beloved!
-Reverend Angel Rodriguez
BPI Board Chair